Wow! How long has it been since my last post? It seems like forever and in many ways it has. So much has changed and that's probably the main reason why I haven't written anything in so long. Baby is here and healthy although we had a little scare a couple of weeks ago. It's amazing how much of my world is now tied into my little one and I think it's true what they say about guys becoming dads once the child is actually born. It seemed the day we got pregnant my wife was already a mom but I didn't feel any different until the baby was actually here. That moment was something I'll never forget. It was the most incredible ride and was just so cool.
Thankfully, since the last time I wrote our country has a new President. I was very interested in this election and followed it more than any other in my lifetime. It was a game changer as they say and hopefully our country can prosper again sometime soon. With everything going on it's a really scary time. It's my generations great depression. Although it's not quite at that level yet, the times aren't good. Growing up my generation was told to go to college, graduate and you will prosper but for many that's not the case and it's ashame.
ARod's positive steroid test was leaked to the public and he has come out and admitted it taking heat from reporters across the country. Everyone slams the guy but he's the only one that has thus far admitted to everything right away and come out with details and why, what, etc. Give the guy a little break and move on. There were 103 other players that weren't named and ARod was unfortunate to be the one that was in a test that was supposed to be confidential.
Anyways, enough of the ranting and stating the obvious stuff that happened between my last blogs. Hopefully there'll be plenty of new blogs in the following weeks with inappropriate content and an update on how my fantasy football finished this season. C ya soon
Deuce! You're back! yea!!
I'm glad you're back! It's weird to think that there could actually be a depression, it doesn't seem possible. Hopefully, things will come together and policies will be reformed. I don't know what we need, but hopefully someone knows what will help!
I'm disappointed in all of the steroid talk, I liked thinking that baseball players were using their natural abilities. It is, however, unfortunate that A-Rod's results were leaked.
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