Sunday, December 30, 2007

The writer's strike has pissed me off for two full months now and there's no signs that things will start looking up anytime soon. I heard last night that new Entourage episodes were supposed to start filming in February but because of the writer's strike, there's a good chance that it won't happen. The best show on TV and we have no idea when we'll watch a new episode. We also have no idea of what is going to happen with Jim & Pam on The Office or if JD & Elliot Reid hook up again on Scrubs. I'm surprised The Hills is able to go on because you know everything has to be set up with LC, Spencer & Heidi.

This is the problem with unions. You have a few people in high ranking positions that are negotiating compensation for everyone else within the union. A few people feel they're getting ripped off and all of a sudden there's no more TV. My message to the writers - bring back TV.

1 comment:

kos said...

I second the anger that the strike has caused, I'm now reduced to watching re-runs of a shot of love, pretty pathetic.