Thursday, April 2, 2009

I'm A Reality Show Slut!!!

Can you believe it? Where does it end really? The difference between real life and television. I've always believed that some of the things we see on TV, even for reality shows, is purely drama made for television, but it's really entertaining to watch. I have to admit, I'm watching it pretty consistently (although maybe to a lesser extent with the no TV while the baby is awake rule) :).

It's funny when you really get into these shows how much you start picking sides. Take Jon & Kate Plus 8 for example. I don't watch the show anymore because everytime I do, I want to slap Kate. No, not really slap her, but she totally pisses me off the way she yells at Jon all the time and is totally above everyone else she comes in contact with on the show.

I just got done watching the Real World Reunion, and that transgender chick still drives me crazy. Yeah, some may claim it's because she's transgender, but that's not the case. I'm all for people making their own choices and totally support the gay, lesbian, transgender folks. The reason I don't like her comes from the way in which she conducts herself. She uses big words to make herself sound smarter around her housemates and better than everyone else in the house.

It goes totally the other way too ... Fabio on Top Chef was awesome this season and always made us laugh into the late evening. The Roloffs are a fun family to watch with Matt always coming up with crazy adventures and Amy just being the perfect mom. I think I'm going to do a top 10 reality show blog or a top 10 reality show personality blog sometime soon. I haven't done a top 10 in awhile and I think this falls perfectly in line. Watch out ;)