Sunday, February 24, 2008

We Now Return To Our Regularly Scheduled Programming

Hello blog & blogging buddies. It's been awhile. A lot has been going on recently and I haven't had a chance to really write too much. Here's my update:

Time to Thaw Out
Last week Andrea and I returned to North Dakota / Minnesota for a week. We spent a couple of days in Grand Forks catching up with family and a few friends that were around. We were able to view my cousins playing in their regional hockey tournament both of whom played great. After GF, we traveled to Bemidji to hang out with other family and were able to spend time at a friend's wedding.

It was very, very cold in both cities but we both had a lovely to be home and we were asked many times when we'll return again. The answer - most likely August for my cousin's wedding.

New Blogging Buddy
So you may have noticed I have a new link on the side of my blog. If you have time check it out. It's hilarious. I haven't had a lot of time myself to read up but the guy seems to have a lot of fun observations to make on a daily basis. If you're more of a copy & paste person here's the URL -

Tony Bennett To Boise
We went public with this last night and media starts running on Monday. It's very exciting to be working on a project that has a person so well known around the world. I've taken the role of AE with this project and am really excited about it. Our company will be doing all the marketing & public relations related to everything Tony Bennett & Children's Home. It's been very busy thus far getting everything firmed up but it's also been a lot of fun. Check out the website if you wish -

Hockey In Idaho???
I was amazed when I moved here to find out there was indeed hockey in Idaho. I officiated for only 2 months last year in Idaho before getting burnt out. After 10 years I questioned whether or not I really wanted to continue doing games at all. This season I took another crack at it only doing games on weekends. I was recently selected to do the Idaho State Hockey Tournament which was this past weekend. It was a lot of fun but I think I'm getting older as I'm having a tough time moving around.

Mr Hockey
Not really anything I've been up to, but a shout out to my cousin who won this award last night. I'm really happy for you hopper and so proud of your accomplishments. Good luck moving on to Juniors this season in Fargo and next season in Lincoln.

Also, Jake & Ryan, it sounds like you guys had a great weekend. I feel bad how your season ended but I'm glad you guys played well and wish you luck next season.

So I just wanted to use this blog as an update to my life I guess. So keep on truckin!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

We're Gonna Rock Out With Our Caucus Out

How exciting has this caucus been? I can't say I've paid attention to every state caucus from the start but on the verge of the end of Super Tuesday, I think it is truly amazing to see what Obama & Clinton have been able to accomplish thus far. What an exciting time for our country.

We are in this great recession, we've been at war for nearly 7 years, foreclosures were up 75% over the last year and we're optimistic that change is on the way. Our country needs that change & that change comes in the form of Obama or Clinton. It's amazing to see that our country has finally accepted that a minority or a women could lead our nation.

I can't say I'd want to be in their shoes as there's a lot of work to do right off the bat. I heard that Hilary is saying that it took a Clinton to take care of the mistakes of the last Bush presidency and it's going to take a Clinton to do it again. I thought that was a great little line for her campaign. Anyways, should be fun to see what happens.

Cheers to the two Democratic delegates!!!